Monday, February 18, 2008

Saturday Pictures

Travis's sister Lana and Dan with the first set of twins in Travis's family, 10 year old's Damian and Kaylee. They told us they'd babysit. They better really mean it, because I am sure we'll need it!! If Lana has gotten through this, I know I can. Dan loves babies, so I am sure he'll be over very ofter:)
Auntie Alayna holding Presley. Alayna came over on Saturday and I think she had a baby in her arms the entire day. She even changed dirty diapers and did the dishes. She is still her today (Monday) and has been such a good Auntie, sister and help!!
Grandpa Randy holding Cash!! He can't believe that I am a parent. He still remembers me as a little girl. He came with Alayna on Saturday to help out!
Grandma Karen holding both of the twinies!! She came last Sunday and left yesterday, Sunday. She was such a help, making food, doing laundry, holding babies, cleaning, etc. I couldn't have done this without her. She loves being a grandma and is so happy that I have two babies bc that always means she can hold one!
This is little Presley in a neck thing you use on plane rides. It's kinda like a miniture bobby. They are too small for normal size boppy's, so this works perfect. After a feeding, she's buzzed off breast milk and sleep like a little angel.