Sunday, March 8, 2009

The big 3-0!

Wow...30 years! I can't believe I have hit my 30's.
Had a wonderful day!
Grande soy latte w/ splenda in the am.
Spent the day at the spa....facial, massage, pedi, blow out. Peaceful...enjoyable!
Movie with girlfriends, Confessions of a Shopaholic. Cute!
Then dinner at Suncadia Lodge with the hubby and friends. Yummy. Wine, seafood, chocolate lava cake.I didn't need a big party, to stay out late. I wanted a relaxing day.
Notice my super cute new bday present. He bought me lots of goodies. Yea.
Overall, it was a great way to enter my 30's. We have a trip planned to Palm Springs, so that is our celebration vacation. 5 days w/out kids.....poolside, books, dinners, shopping, spa treatments, sleeping in, room service...that is heaven!


Natalie said...

It sounds like you had an amazing day. I love you hair and your jacket, so cute :)

heather said...

Happy Birthday! Very cute coat, love it! XOXO