Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Merry Christmas.

Lots 'o presents!

Cash's beloved "Buzz". He's obsessed with this toy.

Violet loved crawling amongst the presents.

Presley wanted a Barbie, a Barbie car and a Barbie house. She got all 3. Happy girl.

Me and my new apron.

Travis and his new boots.

We had a successful lazy day. Presley is a professional present unwrapper. Kids were given lots of toys. Travis spoiled me with lots of clothes, new boots, jewelry and my mom gave me a Cuisanart mixer (wahoo!), Travis got some new boots, gift cards and boy toys...we are all very lucky. Stayed in pajamas all day, watched Bolt 2 times, ate dinner at Travis's mom's house and were in bed by 8pm, but then awoken at 10pm with 3 screaming kids all sick! Fun times can only last so long!