Monday, October 18, 2010

Remlinger Farms.

With Travis hunting, we packed up and headed to Grandma's this weekend. We spent Saturday afternoon at Remlinger Farms. It was very crowded, but we managed to go on rides, pet some animals, eat a bag of kennel corn, and hang out with the Tharaldson's!

Can't wait for next year! It's a hard job wrangling the twins and keeping them from running off. I am hoping next year it'll be easier. Maybe they'll be better at listening then....who am i kidding? I better get used to a life of chaos.


Alexis Gradwohl said...

How much fun! I love going on a Friday afternoon when there aren't as many people. We live 10-15 minutes from there! You should have stopped by! Hope you had a great weekend with your mom.