That will be baby #3's official birthday! I am excited to have a May birthday in the family. Travis's is in October, the Twin's is in Feb, and mine is in March. It'll be perfect. The appointment for the c-section is officially on the books and I check in at 8am! It's so much more real now! Only 2 weeks 3 days.
I had my appointment this morning. I am dialated to 1cm. My belly has reduced size down to 34 and I am 37 weeks, but the dr. said this is because the baby's head is really low. So, now I can officially breath, sit and eat! Yea! It's so much more comfortable now that the baby has dropped. No weight gain...yea!
I have the worst head cold right now....i hate it. I want some drugs. I can't taste or smell anything. That is a good/bad thing. Good thing bc changing dirty diapers is like nothing, bad because what's the point of eating? Blizzards are buy 1 get 1 for .25. So, with DQ right down the road, I'll be hitting that up as soon as my taste returns! I gotta indulge for the next 2 weeks before I have to start eating and exercising again......
The weather has been beautiful lately. In the 70's for the past 4 days. It's been wonderful. We made a trip down to toys r us yesterday and I picked up a big new sandbox, lots of bubble toys, sand toys, and a fun new pool with a slide. I have to make the back yard as fun as possible bc the twinnies will need some stuff to keep them occupied as I don't think we'll be making as many trips to the park or children's museum when the baby arrives. Our backyard is starting to look like our playroom. Speaking of playroom....i must go and tackle that job, it's a nightmare right now and I have been putting it off........
Bundle of Joy
7 years ago
I am so excited for you!! I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!! I had my c-section scheduled and Taylor came :)
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