I know, I know...another post, no pic. I don't have a scanner at my house, so I can't post pics of the baby , but I can tell you he/she looked as perfect as perfect can be! A relief! Now the shopping can begin, well, I just need a few things.
I forgot how amazing seeing the little bean on the screen can be. It was weird going in knowing that we weren't going to find out the sex, but the more and more I think about it, it will be worth it in the delivery room. The technician said, even if we were going to find out, the little bugger was covering up the "parts", so most likely we wouldn't have been able to see.
As I was getting the ultasound, I was convinced the baby looked like a boy, but who knows....how does it really look like a boy at this point. I just felt the baby looked really long and lean and that is how Cash is. Plus, the little bugger has been doing what feels like somersaults and that is definately more boy. We kept calling it "he" during, but who knows.....
Travis was able to feel it on Saturday. What an incredible feeling??!! I layed in bed this morning with my hand on my belly just in awe of this. I feel like I am enjoying the pregnancy a lot more, maybe because I am lot smaller than I was before and I have a lot more energy. Until this little baby started kicking, I forgot it was actually in there, well...i take that back, my boobs are a dead giveaway!
We have a busy week ahead.....I am soooooooooooo excited for Christmas. I got all the presents wrapped and they are all nestled away for christmas Eve. I am fearing the kids will unwrap them if they are under the tree. I promise more pics will happen this week. I feel like I look like I crawled out from under a rock...hair appt tomorrow! Yippee!
Bundle of Joy
7 years ago
Congrats Katie!! Isn't is such a miracle to be pregnant? I am glad your baby is doing good and everything looks healthy. I loved your Christmas card, you have a beautiful family :)
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