That pretty much sums up the past week at the Gibson house. Both kids have colds and a few more teeth popped up!
Last Tuesday was the twinnies first day of swimming lessons. They had such a great time. It was fun bc I had Presley and Travis has Cash and we all swam together. Presley LOVED it and Cash was a little more reserved. As soon as we got home, the stuffy nose hit both kids, Cash worse than Presley. So, since last Tuesday, it's been lots of sleepless nights, snotty noses, and cranky kids!! mom came over on Saturday to spend some time with the twinnies, so Travis and I had a nice Valentine's dinner at the Valley. It was nice to have some alone time.
I got my hair chopped off today (no pics yet). I love it and Travis loves it. We went for a long walk today and tried out our new stroller, love it!!!
Not too exciting...just hanging around the house since both babies have been sick:((
Bundle of Joy
7 years ago
I am so sorry, colds and teething combo is no fun and you have two kids going through it at the same time. I missed out on ordering my stroller and now all the good deals are gone. I still have a few more months so hopefully I will be able to find a sale somewhere. I love the double BOB because you can recline one seat and not the other and they each have their own hoods, which Jordan loves to have hers down. And they are so easy to push. Can't wait to see a picture of your hair, I am sure it is super cute :)
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