Today I had an ultrasound appointment, which went really well. Both babies are head down!! That is good, however I was starting to get used to idea of having a c-section. The thought of going through labor terrifies me!
Both babies are measuring perfect. They are about 4.5 pounds each, but that is just an estimate, ultrasounds are unable to give an exact weight. But still, that means I have at least 9 pounds of baby inside me! That just seems crazy! Now I know where all the weight gain has been, at least it's not on my butt:)
So, now we just have to wait until they come. Hopefully at least 36-37 weeks, which is only 2 weeks away! I can't believe how fast it's gone and how quickly they'll be at home.
My belly is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I can't wait to see my feet again and wear my normal clothes. I can tell my body is starting to get ready for these babies to come. I have been really lucky to have such a smooth pregnancy. I am starting to get tired again and often take afternoon naps and lately I've been sleeping in unitl 9 or so. After Travis leaves in the morning, it's nice to have the bed to myself! I haven't slept a full night in so long, but I am just getting used to it, bc it'll probably be a long time before that happens again! Poor Travis.....I toss and turn all night. We have a fan on and the humidifier going on and I'm still hot. Our house temperature is only 65 degrees also, so our house is freezing. So far lately I have been craving satsuma oranges, I go through a few boxes a week. I am going to panic when the season is over. Other than that, I have just been really thirsty, drinking a ton of water, which leads many trips to the bathroom. Which actually on the ultrasound today you could see his head resting right on top of my bladder, so that explains a lot!
I had another birthing class last night. Travis wasn't able to make it bc he had a meeting, so I had to go by myself:( We had to watch the birth video which was circa 1990 and they had much different hairdo's and words they used. Anyways, I squirmed through the entire 18 minute video. It was awful to watch and I am absolutely terrified of giving birth. I wasn't before that, however I am now! Oh well, millions of women go through it, so I know I can, it'll be all about drugs!
Anyways, my next ultrasound will be when I am in labor....crazy! My next dr. appt is on Monday. It's getting closer and much as I want these little ones out, they have to stay in as long as possible so they can be healthy!!! I just can't wait to meet them!
I'll keep you all updated!!!
Bundle of Joy
7 years ago
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