I couldn't resist. She loved though, she kept coming back for more!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Big Boy
Posted by Unknown at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Presley Eats Pears
Presley isn't as good of a eater as brother, but she hangs in there. She's more into motorboating and talking, rather than eating. She's such a typical girl.
Posted by Unknown at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Cash Eats Pears!
He's such a good eater. We tried rice cereal a few weeks ago and then yesterday we tried pears for the first time. He LOVED them! He cries when all the food is gone and grunts in between spoonfuls.
Posted by Unknown at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
19 weeks!
Babies are getting bigger and bigger! They are starting to become so active, playing on their playyard grabbing at the toys, jumping in their jumper, and just being little talkers. Cash is just becoming heavier and heavier and compared to Presley he's a lump. Presley has been getting longer in the past few weeks. She's growing into her chubbiness and really is starting to lean out a bit. They are acknowledging each other more. Yesterday she was pulling his hair and he was crying, something I am sure they'll be doing more of! In the mornings, I walk into their room and they are just laying in their beds talking away. Then you look at them and they give a huge smile! I love starting my mornings out that way.
We started rice cereal last week. I usually just give it to them once a day and Cash has loved it since day 1, with Presley, it took a few days, but eventually she got the hang of it. We'll try some baby food next week.
I watched the Baby Borrowers on Wednesday night and it's my new favorite show!! I love it! If you haven't watched it, you should, it's hilarious. I have for sure become a mom because I find myself talking to the tv, telling the kids what they are doing wrong, right, etc.
The twinnies and I went to visit Jill and baby Jax yesterday in Yakima. It was a nice day down there, 84 degrees. Baby Jax is doing so good and Jill is such a good mommy! The twins look ginormous next to little Jax, it's crazy to think that they used to be that little.
Next week for the 4th, we are going to head up to Winthrop for the weekend. It's not supposed to be super hot, only in the high 70's. This Sunday it's supposed to be 101 here. Yuck! Travis needs to build me that pool pronto!! He had a golf tournament yesterday at Suncadia and his team won 2nd place!! Go Travis!
Anyways, that is our little life update this week.
Posted by Unknown at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Angel Babies
Posted by Unknown at 8:53 PM 2 comments
Day Trip
Posted by Unknown at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
18 Weeks!!
Wow wow wow wow.........another week goes by and before I know it, they'll be walking, talking and getting into everything!! They are getting more and more active, playing with toys, rolling over and jumping in the jumperoo!
I am going to try giving them rice cereal this week, which I am looking forward to, then hopefully in the next few weeks move on to the 1st foods. That should be fun, messy and yummy for the twinies!
We've been going on walks outside a lot with Courtney and Ryder since the weather has gotten nicer. The babies and doggies love it! I sure do have my hands full, but it's nice to get some exercise. And now with my jogging stroller, it's sooooooooooooooooo much easier to manuver rather than my 4 wheel double stroller.
And speaking of exercise, Body for Life, is going good still. I just want to go and eat pizza, but I haven't let myself! Travis said tonight that he's going to go on a Otter Pop and oatmeal diet. I am sure that'll work! He wasn't quite satisfied with my chicken salad wrap I made him, he told me that it tasted like cardboard. Isn't he lovely?? I actually agreed with him, it was terrible. I am sick of cottage cheese, sick of yogurt, sick of eggs, sick of chicken, sick of broccoli, sick of everything that is good for you! I want cheese and brownies!
My BFF Alison is coming over tomorrow. She's a teacher and is on summer break, so she'll be over a lot:) She's 14.5 weeks pregnant with her first baby and I am so excited for her! She had her 2nd dr. appt. today and everything is going well and she heard the heartbeat today, which was very exciting for her! She'll find out the sex at the end of July. I think it's a girl, so we'll see!
Posted by Unknown at 6:21 PM 0 comments
New Loot!
Posted by Unknown at 6:11 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day & Happy 70th Grace!!!
Posted by Unknown at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
4 Month Check-Up
Posted by Unknown at 5:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Body for Life Update....
It's day 15. My knees hurt from running.
The list of my cravings can go on and on and on and on......I feel like I am pregnant again. So, it was my free day on Saturday and I purposely bought a lot of bananas last week so they'd have enough time to ripen for banana bread. I made 2 delicious loaves of banana bread. Shared 1 with my mom and put the other in the freezer for my next free day!!
Yumm...........next week it's pecan bars with chocolate ganache on top that I watched Barefoot Contessa make.
Hip hip hooray.....I fit into my jeans that I bought in Rome last year! A few weeks ago, I was trying to get my bootay in them and Travis told me that I was going to hurt myself. Today I tried again. They fit!
Posted by Unknown at 8:00 PM 0 comments
New Toy
Posted by Unknown at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Cuddle Bugs
Posted by Unknown at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
16 weeks!
Wow....16 weeks, next week will be 4 months. That is 112 days I have gone without a full night's sleep and I am actually still quite sane! Everyday that goes by, it just gets easier and easier.
The twins are getting so much bigger. They are really starting to play and get quite active. They talk, motorboat, coo, and laugh. It's so nice to wake up in the morning and instead of hearing crying, I listen to them talk in their bed and when I go in there to get them, they look up at me with a giant smile. That is definately the best way to wake up!
He's really starting to motorboat, which makes him the biggest drooler ever!! I probably change his bibs 3 times a day between the drool and the puke. It's quite lovely. He loves to stand up and is so content just sitting in my lap. He's such a happy baby and hardly ever fusses.
She's quite the sassy pants. She definatley knows how to get what she wants. She is also starting to laugh and LOVES to talk. She'll just swing and talk away. There are many times I think that she's an old soul and is so over being a baby. I just am waiting for her to say something to me. It's almost like she knows what I am saying to her. She'll be smart.
Yesterday, I thought their dr. appt was at 9am, so I got them all ready, ate breakfast and we go to the clinic and our appointment is next week, the 11th. Arg...I was so annoyed, but at least it got us up, so we just went to the gym. I have been going 3 days a week and I put the kids in the daycare. Yesterday it was so cute, bc ususally they just sit in their car seats and either sleep or watch the kids, but when I was finished, I walked into the daycare room and Cash was in the swing, totally sitting up and laughing at the kids playing/screaming. It was the cutest thing ever!! He was acting like a little kid and I just knew that he wanted to get down and play with all the kids. I realized when I saw him that he's getting big. I couldn't help but just smooch him!
Everyday they amaze me and make me realize what life is all about. I love them with all my heart and so much more!
Travis and I are still doing Body for Life, 10 days and going strong!! Travis is so sore right now that he can barely move and has been popping lots of Ibuprofren. He's already lost 5 pounds! My mom is coming over this weekend while Travis heads to Spokane for a golf tournament. I am hoping the weather is nice, so she can help me plant some bushes. I need guidance with the whole "yardwork" thing. I have watched the whole season 3 of Weeds in the past 2 days, that is the BEST show!!! I have season 2 of Friday Night Lights to start now, so I better go. I just love love love Riggins!!!
Posted by Unknown at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Bumbo Chairs again.....
Posted by Unknown at 8:26 PM 0 comments